[FANACCOUNT] 100125 Leeteuk and Eunhyuk at Star King recording, with Shinee (minho, Taemin) and SNSD

The updated part is in italics and blue ^^

Note: there might be some ( a lot ) of details that can sound very useless, for me on the set it was funny/cute, it probably isn’t once put only into words so I’m sorry :/ Also I have an horrible memory especially for long things like this and remembering details (you have to be on the set of SBS from midday to 10pm for a star king recording… That is LONG) so I probably forgot a lot and I’m sorry T.T
Also I didn’t write down parts that could involve myself so don’t be affraid of coming across show off (well I hope so).
I also added some pictures I tried to take, but it’s not good quality and they are all always when they are showing their back lol… Cause taking pictures is stricly prohibited and I only had my phone anyway ^^;

That’s all~ I hope you will enjoy it ^^

January 25th Star King

Guests were the usual recurent of Star King (whose name I forgot, sorry) including Eunhyuk and Leeteuk plus Taemin and Minho from Shinee and all SNSD minus Yoona.
I’m a Jungsoo fan so I mostly paid attention to what him or Hyukjae did, but if there is anything I remember about shinee or Snsd members I’ll point it out too ^^

They recorded 6 different performers that day.

Jungsoo was wearing a white shirt with a …weird black jumper over it, excessively large pants and… boots…. welll…. idk….

like this.

Hyukjae was shirt, jeans and a little black jacket AND the same collection of adidas wing shoes we offered to Jungsoo but… multicolored. (see here)

Before the show even started while we were waiting to get in we saw Minho, he was with a little boy (maybe 3 years old?) outside of the recording studio, and there was a girl from the staff filming him. We were too far to hear what was going on, so I don’t know why that happened, but it was super cute. ^^ Maybe it will be some special segment before/after star king or from something totally different than star king lol, but from SBS.

Also when they arrived, Jungsoo was wearing different clothes than during the recording. Much more normal AND he had our shoes (the white adidas wings shoes)

Anyway, now time for the recording.
When everyone arrived at the beginning, they were all eating Mandarin oranges, probably given by fans before the show started. They were sharing among each others and stuff, and taking more from other fans that had other bags of mandarins lol. (Most for Taemin, there was a lot of Taemin fans that day xD Taemin fans, some Minho fans, lots of soshi fans… and we were like… 4 suju fans lol!)
Oh also Tiffany arrives with a big cast on her arm, and she will generally not look very happy for the whole show (or talk much in general :/)
Jungsoo and Hyukjae looked a bit tired but not that much compared to other recording days in the past, also especially for a monday after a super show they seemed quite well ^^

Once everyone was sitting, the fans were shouting things like “Kang Ho Dong you are handsome!” all together (how to make a MC happy lol), and the same to Taemin with “Taemin so pretty” or “Taemin so cute” though at some point they just shouted “handsome!” so no one was sure who it was directed to . Hyukjae rised his head and was like “me?” pointing at himself.Jungsoo stopped him, placing a hand on his arm and shook his head “no no not you… me”
Yes sure xD. With 4 fans. That was very unlikely XD but cute.

Well anyway soon after the first performer arrived, it was 2 japanese girls playing on a VERY small piano. Jungsoo and Hyukjae tried it but cheated, seoyeon and Taemin tried too with more or less good results lol.
Nothing much happened during that one, well it probably did but my memory sucks. -_-;

Next performer was a Chinese magician. He was actually quite awesome but you will have to wait for the show to air to see that. Just remember that there is no trick because of the camera or cuts. It was actually awesome on the stage lol. (in the end of course there is a trick, but not due to montage).
So yeah the guy show them a few magic tricks and everyone is in awe, especially when at the end he is taking two rubber bands and I don’t know how to explain that but it’s like one of then is passing through the other ._. It was so weird lol.
At the end of the show though he explained it to Jungsoo, Hyukjae and Kang HoDong who were on stage with him then. and when the show ends everyone is asking eunteuk to explain how to do it. Jungsoo explained to Taeyeon, Hyukjae Sooyong and the main writter of the show (in red on the pictures)

*can’t help to point out Jungsoo’s flat as a board-butt*

Actually during all the shows break, the only snsd girl I have seen Jungsoo actually talk with (I mean more than 2 words) was Taeyeon ^^ (Well also at a previous show some month ago, he seemed also kind of close to Sooyoung ^^).

Next performers are a group of 9 girls basically doing “traditional SNSD”, they are singing SNSD songs while playing traditional korean instruments, it was quite pretty! During a segment of this, and quite randomly they ask Minho to pick the girl he prefer among SNSD, by doing “battles 1vs1” lol basically asking “her or her” and minho had to pick, all that until only one is left. The finalists were Seoyeon and Yuri and the final winner and Minho favorite was… Seoyeon! (after like 10 minutes of being like “aaah aaaah it’s too hard…I can’t!!!”)
It amuses me also because Jungsoo had said before among snsd his ideal girl would be like Seoyeon (except for the fact that she is 10 years younger than you, creepy old man XD). They only asked Minho (and the other male recurent guest I forgot the name right now)… Because Kang Ho Dong has a fetish for Minho anyway so everytime there is something to do, it’s Minho who has to do it lol xD

The next performer was a 67 years old man who was able to memorise anything, he had memorised a whole BOOK of chinese characters, as in, you give him any page from 1 and 600 and he lists you all the characters that are listed on that page. OR if you give a character he was telling you what page it was on. INSANE XD
It was quite boring though, and at one time Jungsoo tries up a joke, helped with Hyukjae… but it falls flat and it as quite… shameful XDDD (lol I died, and tried to hide under my chair) I can’t really explain it though because it was according to the context of the thing. Basically Jungsoo was like “I can do it too!” he asked Hyukjae to take out of the script of that day episode of star king and was like “give me a page I’ll tell you who is the last person to be listed there!” so hyukjae gave him… the last page. And Jungsoo said “kang Ho Dong!” and welll, yeah it was stupid and ridiculous and just BAD. And Ho Dong made him understand he sucked with just one look XDDD lol (not like MEAN though xD well
more like sarcastic mean? lol) anyway, Jungsoo went ot hide on the side xD croutching away far from the cameras. And just comunicating a bit with fans by signs lol.

But during that part he also proved he has a great memory, there was that girl explaining how to memorise list of stuff, and she was saying it’s best to create a story with the things you have to keep in memory. She give an exemple, there is a board with 30 objects, 10 by lines, and she makes up a story with the first 10. Then Jungsoo is like “oh I got it!” and he started giving a story with the next 10, but without looking at the board, so he had actually remembered all the story he had made up in his mind just a minute before, so ok the method of the girl works but he also has a great memory. (well some korean fans have told me before that he has a high IQ, idk how much we should believe this though, but I trust the girl who told me that. However, I tend to wonder what he is doing with his IQ most of the time LOL *fails* not writing proper korean on his cy that’s for sure. Ok, end of the personal note XD)

During one of the breaks, they are eating mandarine oranges again and this time they are throwing it at each others, hoping it would fall directly in their mouth, only Hyukjae makes it though (jungsoo, Hyukjae, Minho and Taemin are playing). All the others are missing it by far. Then hyukjae came closer to the fan and started acting like he was going to send one slice to us but… at the last second he turned around and just ate it xD

(from here Taeyeon wasn’t there anymore she had to leave for her radio show)

Next performer was quite awesome , and probably the funniest thing that happened on star king among all the show I got to watch lol. It was a cannadian girl, professional of… Pillow fighting (as I already said in the topic about Jungsoo wearing our shoes ^^). For this they also all changed in sport clothes, that is why Jungsoo was now wearing our shoes (and for only THIS performer)

So basically she explained the rules are “you can do anything” but as long as there is a pillow between your attack (kick, punch, etc.) and the person at the other side. First thing she did was making Hyukjae attack her, he was quite confused, and at some point he had his pillow between his hands, in front of his chest… and she litteraly kicked his chest with her too feet (well with the pillow in between) Hyukjae fell on the floor, we actually thought he got hurt for a few seconds, Jungsoo rushed to him too (still smiling though) but Hyukjae was alright, just shocked, lol.

Then after a few explanation of what the girl was doing, they asked some SNSD girls to try on. Sooyoung and Seohyeon did, but it was like…. lol, a joke XD They were fighting like GIRLS but I mean… I know they ARE girls, but it was just cute and running around and barely touching the other.
Until…. While trying to punch through a pillow, Sooyoung punched Seoyeon in the face, directly in her cheek LOL It was Seoyeon’s turn to be shocked xD;; and Sooyoung seemed to feel so bad about it xD But don’t worry fans, Seoyeon don’t even have a mark, it’s ok lol.
Then there was another fight of girls (other girls guests not SNSD) who were much more violent, and then there was Eunhyuk against Leeteuk. lol Hyukjae owned Jungsoo XD like REALLY. Js managed to get hyukjae’s face with his pillow a few time but in the end Hyukjae killed him lol.

While two other people were fighting, Jungsoo was on the side, resting beside the bell they were making ring everytime to start a match. Minho came to him, sat behind him and wrapped his arms around his neck. They stayed like that for a while it was super cute T___T <3333

At some point they were speaking about her muscles and work-out and she was showing off her arms muscles.. and on the side jungsoo was there too, also checking out if own arms muscles. He has quite a lot there actually (when he contracts his arm only though xD) I was surprised O-o; (well I shouldn’t be…. BUT I WAS)

There there was a couple of fights of Minho against the Canadian girl. He lost every single times… lol. At the end she was like “don’t worry Minho, you still look pretty” XD Idk it was funny xD and she said she wouldn’t want him as a boyfriend cause even though he is pretty he can’t fight LOL.

Jungsoo and in red and black. it’s minho while fighting lol.

Anyway during this Jungsoo and Hyukjae had to leave for sukira, the next performer was a guy who was super good at finding fake bills among real ones, it was very boring lol, nothing much happened :/ So I guess I’ll end the report here anyway as no more suju ^^

All credits goes to Alice (`Magic☆Dragon) @ sj-world.net , please do not take out without credits (you can take only parts of it if you want, but do remind to credit, thank you!)

    • Ruaraidh
    • April 17th, 2010

    Minho was shooting for Hello Baby – SHINee got to be the fathers of Yoogeun (who is 4 in Korean – probably 2?). Yoogeun got upset whenever Minho tried to leave, so he ended up carrying him around a lot. And then there was the part where Yoogeun named Kang Ho Dong “pig-ahjussi” . . . it was an adorable show.

    • Nan Xin
    • May 10th, 2010

    hi, how did you manage to get into star king recording? i’m visiting korea in june and would like to attend the recording.

    • amoul
    • May 20th, 2010

    i love korean fan so mush

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